We are arranging different activities such as sports tournaments, for their physical growth, quiz competitions are being arranged for the students which is a great mean to develop their mental abilities and through these types of activities children can get confidence to compete in their life.
Woman plays a vital role in building the healthy society. The very first instruction we get in the bosom of our mother. The instruction, teaching and awareness we get in the home cannot be compared with any knowledge in the World. As much as the mother is aware and capable to deal any problem the children will be better in understanding. We have many problems regarding women awareness and all that like gender problems, education of the women, equal rights, harassment, mother and child health, child birth, male-dominant culture and security issues of the women.
We aimed at providing every facility to the women to educate themselves or learn some technical courses like sewing, computer, cooking, knitting, weaving etc. If we want to educate our new generation then, we have to educate our women. We are liberating women in their mindsets that they can’t come up in their lives and all that. Our literacy rate is high among women. The health awareness also lack in the women majority. We are striving very hard to bring people to understanding that these women are the essential part of this society.
Numbers of women are more than the men in Pakistan. We also consider women more responsible and dutiful than men. Now majority of women in the cities are getting professional education and making the future secure. But in villages and down trodden areas still women don’t know how to read and write. Even they don’t know how to care themselves in basic health issues. Especially in villages the death rate is more of pregnant women. We are really exploring ways to help them understand these basic facts of life and their approach to them.
Development Programmes
- Adult literacy centers will be opened for girls and over-aged women in rural areas.
- Sewing centers will be opened for girls, widows and poor women, where paintings, designing and scientific dresses making skills will be taught.
- Beautician courses will be arranged in rural areas and young girls widows and poor ladies will have a chance to learn personal and commercial makeup, different hair and mehndi styles.
- Doctors, lady doctors, paramedical staff and experts invited to give live awareness about different diseases and there solutions.
- Awareness seminar arranged to give to women on their general hygiene and child health care.
- Computer skill development programmes will be started in rural areas, short and long computer courses will be taught in these centers.
- Time to time General knowledge competitions are arranged for the children.
- Physical activities are being arranged for the children such as Sports.
- Formal and non-formal education for the children.
- Technical training will be shaped for the children such as IT Basics, Installations, Hardware and software.